CYNGOR CEFN GWLAD CYMRU                                                          



SITE NAME:                        RHOSYDD LLANDDONA


DATE OF NOTIFICATION:            11 MARCH 2011


The operations listed below may damage the features of interest of Rhosydd LLanddona SSSI. Before any of these operations are undertaken you must consult CCW, and may require our consent.  The list of operations is not a prohibited list.

 It is usually possible to carry out some of these operations in certain ways, or at specific times of year, or on certain parts of the SSSI, without damaging the features of interest. If you wish to carry out any of these activities please contact the local office of CCW. A Conservation Officer will give you advice and where appropriate issue a consent. Please help us by using the enclosed form to ask us for consent to carry out these operations.

In certain circumstances it will not be possible to consent these operations, because they would damage the features of interest. Where possible the Conservation Officer will suggest alternative ways in which you may proceed, which would enable a consent to be issued.  To proceed without CCW's consent may constitute an offence.  If consent is refused, or conditions attached to it, which are not acceptable to you, you will be provided with details of how you may appeal to the National Assembly for Wales. 

Ref No                        Type of operation

 1.                     Cultivation, including ploughing, rotovating, harrowing and re-seeding. 

 2.                     Grazing and alterations to the grazing regime (including type of stock, intensity or seasonal pattern of grazing).

 3.                     Stock feeding and alterations to stock feeding practice.  

 4.                     Mowing or cutting vegetation and alterations to the mowing or cutting regime.

 5.                     Application of manure, slurry, silage liquor, fertilisers and lime.

 6.                     Application of pesticides, terrestrial and aquatic herbicides (weedkillers), and the use of veterinary products.

 7.                     Dumping, spreading or discharging of any materials.

 8.                     Burning and alterations to the patterns or frequency of burnings.

 9.                     Release into the site of any wild, feral, captive-bred or domestic animal, plant, seed or micro-organism and any genetically modified organism.

 10.                   Killing, injuring, taking or removal of any wild animal, or the eggs/nests of any wild animal or the disturbing, taking, damaging or destroying of any wild animal in its place of shelter excluding pest control.

 11.                   Destruction, displacement, removal or cutting of any plant or plant remains, including tree, shrub, herb, dead or decaying wood, moss, lichen, fungus or peat.

 12.                   Tree and/or woodland management and alterations to tree and/or woodland management including planting, felling, pruning and tree surgery, thinning, coppicing, changes in species composition and removal of fallen timber.

 13a.                 Drainage including moor gripping the use of mole, tile, tunnel or other artificial drains.

 13b.                 Modification to the structure of water courses including streams, springs, ditches, drains, including their banks and beds, as by re-alignment, regrading, damming or dredging.

 14.                   Alterations to water levels and tables and water utilisation including irrigation, storage and abstraction from existing water bodies and through boreholes. Also the modification of current drainage regime. 

15.                                      Infilling or digging of ditches, drains, ponds, pools, marshes, quarries or pits.

20.                   Extraction of minerals including peat, hard rock, topsoil and subsoil.

21.                   Destruction, construction, removal, rerouting, or regrading of roads, tracks, walls, fences, hardstands, banks, ditches or other earthworks, including soil and rock exposures.

 22.                   Storage of materials.

 23.                   Erection of permanent or temporary structures or the undertaking of engineering works, including drilling or the laying, maintenance or removal of pipelines and cables, above or below ground.

 26.                   Use of vehicles likely to damage the qualifying features.

 27.                   Recreational activities likely to damage the qualifying features.

 28.                   Introduction of game and water fowl management  and alterations to game and waterfowl management and hunting practices.

i.. This is a list of operations appearing to the CCW to be likely to damage the special features of this SSSI, as required under section 28(4)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as substituted by Schedule 9 to the Countryside and Rights of  Way Act 2000. 

ii.          Where an operation has been granted a consent, licence or permission from another authority separate consent will not normally be required from CCW, however you should always give notice to CCW prior to exercising such consent, licence or permission.

iii.         Any reference to animal in this list shall be taken to include any mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, fish or invertebrate (including honey bees).